
In Panama, as in other contexts, the ICRC works to ensure that people with the highest risk and vulnerability factors are protected and assisted, and that their fundamental rights and dignity are respected.

The ICRC has been present in Panama since 1989. In 2010, a headquarters agreement was signed between the Government of Panama and the ICRC, establishing a permanent presence and strengthening its exclusively humanitarian activities in the country.

This country is covered by the regional delegation in Mexico.
Latest Update
In numbers

Our action in 2024

  • 9.000
    migrants received self-care messages and information to reduce their risks while migrating
  • 53
    migrants that had been reported missing were found and put back in contact with their relatives.
  • 30.538
    phone calls with the aim of reuniting families and preventing migrants from going missing
  • 1
    humanitarian forensic mortuary was built, providing dignified storage for the remains of 100 deceased migrants